
Currently, Gallatin High School offers several Agricultural Education courses. Below is a complete list of the classes offered at GHS. Due to scheduling, some classes are taught in a rotation so not all of these classes are available each year. Some classes also offer college credit opportunities, or meet additional high school graduation requirements. 

Veterinary & Animal Science Program of Study

Horticulture Science


Agriscience is an introductory lab science course that prepares students for biology & subsequent agriculture courses. This course helps students understand the important role that agricultural science & technology serves in the 21st century. In addition, it serves as the first course for all programs of study in the Agriculture department. You can read the full State Standards here.

Open to Freshmen and Sophomores

*Science Credit*

Small Animal Science 

Small Animal Science focuses on companion animals such as dogs & cats. Small Animal Science also contains objectives to prepare students for careers in managing & caring for specialty & companion animals. This course covers anatomy & physiological systems of different groups of small animals, as well as careers, leadership, & history of the industry. You can read the full State Standards here.

Prerequisite: Agriscience

Large Animal Science 

Large Animal Science is designed to develop basic understanding of handling, health, maintenance, reproduction, selection & management of different livestock species such as cattle, horses, goats, & chickens. This course covers anatomy & physiological systems of different groups of livestock, as well as careers, leadership, & history of the industry. You can read the full State Standards here.

Prerequisite: Agriscience

Veterinary Science (STEM Course)

Veterinary Science is an advanced course in animal science for students interested in learning more about becoming a veterinarian, vet tech, vet assistant, or pursuing a variety of scientific, health, or agriculture professions. This course covers principles of health & disease, basic animal care & nursing, clinical & laboratory procedures, & additional industry-related career & leadership knowledge & skills. You can read the full State Standards here.

Open to Senoirs and Juniors

Prerequisite: Principles of Agriculture or Agriscience, Small Animal Science, AND Large Animal Science

*Science Credit*

Greenhouse Management 

Greenhouse Management is designed to prepare students to manage greenhouse operations. This course covers principles of greenhouse structures, plant health & growth, growing media, greenhouse crop selection & propagation, & management techniques. It provides students with the technical knowledge & skills needed to prepare for further education & careers in horticulture production. You can read the full State Standards here.

Prerequisite: Agriscience


You can read the full State Standards here.

        Prerequisite: Agriscience